
Peer-reviewed Journal Papers  Book Chapters  Peer-reviewed International Conference Papers  National Conference Papers  Patents  Invited Speaker  Classes  Projects  Others  

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

M.A. Sarıkaya, G. Ince: Modality- and Subject-Aware Emotion Recognition using Knowledge Distillation, IEEE Access, Vol 12, pp. 122485-122502, September 2024.

B. Taherkhani, A.Tuncay Atalay, A.F. Yilmaz, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Meso-Macro Deformation Investigation for Biaxial Knitted Textile based Pouch Motor, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, pp. 1-11, August 2024

B. Taherkhani, M.F. Celebi, M.S. Cetin, A.Tuncay Atalay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Thermally Powered Soft Gripper Covered with Silver Coated Nylon Fabric Heater Reinforced with Stainless Steel Yarn, Advanced Engineering Materials, to appear, May 2024

T. Karakaş, B. Dumlu, M.A. Sarıkaya, D. Yıldız Ozkan, Y. Demir, G. Ince: The Impact of Urban Graffiti with Facial Expressions on Human Behavioural and Emotional Experiences in a VR Environment, International Journal of Architectural Research, Vol 18, No 2, pp. 409-431, June 2024

A.F. Yilmaz, K. Ozlem, M.F. Celebi, B. Taherkhani, F. Kalaoglu, A.Tuncay Atalay, G Ince, O. Atalay: Design and Scalable Fast Fabrication of Biaxial Fabric Pouch Motors for Soft Robotic Artificial Muscle Applications, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2300888, June 2024

O. Atalay, K. Ozlem, C. Gumus, I.A.K. Ahmed, A.F. Yilmaz, M.F. Celebi, M.S. Cetin, B. Taherkhani, A.Tuncay Atalay, G Ince: Thermally Driven 3D Seamless Textile Actuators for Soft Robotic Applications, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2400133, May 2024

G. Karadeniz, A. Ozcan, M. Bayram, G. Ince: Drone Wars 3D: A Game-based Simulation Platform for Testing Aerial Defence Strategies against Drone Swarms, Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, Vol: 17, pp. 182-207, April 2024

Y. Kasimoglu, E. Alpaycetin, G. Ince, E.B.T. Ince: Reduction of Dental Anxiety in Children using Virtual Reality: A Randomised Controlled Trial, European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, to appear

U. Ayvaz, K. Ozlem, A.F. Yilmaz, A.Tuncay Atalay, O. Atalay, G. Ince: Real-time Stride Length Estimation using Textile-based Capacitive Soft Strain Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Vol: 73, pp.1-11, 2024

A.F. Yilmaz, K. Ozlem, F. Khalilbayli. M.F. Celebi, F. Kalaoglu, A.Tuncay Atalay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Resistive Self-Sensing Controllable Fabric-based Actuator: A Novel Approache to Creating Anisotropy, Advanced Sensor Research, 2300108, Vol 3, Issue 7, July 2024

A.F. Yilmaz, I.A.K. Ahmed, C. Gumus, K. Ozlem, M.S. Cetin, A.Tuncay Atalay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Highly Stretchable Textile Knitted Interdigital Sensor for Wearable Technology Applications, Advanced Sensor Research, Vol 3, Issue 2, February 2024

Y. Kasimoglu, S. Kocaaydin, S Batu, G. Ince, E. Tuna: The Impact of a Humanoid Robot on Children's Dental Anxiety, Behavior and Salivary Amylase Levels: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Journal of Pediatric Research, Vol 10, Issue 2, pp. 132-141, June 2023

M. Esengun, A. Ustundag, G. Ince: Development of an Augmented Reality based Process Management System: The Case of a Natural Gas Power Plant, IISE Transactions, vol 55, Issue 2, February 2023

A. Inceoglu, G. Ince, Y. Yaslan, S. Sariel: Multimodal Failure Detection in Robot-Object Interaction, Journal of Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications, vol 6, Issue 1, pp. 59-66, January 2023

A.F. Yilmaz, F. Khalilbayli, K. Ozlem, H. Elmoughni, F. Kalaoglu, A.T. Atalay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Effect of Segment Types on Characterization of Soft Sensing Textile Actuators for Soft Wearable Robots, Biomimetics, Vol 7, Issue 4, December 2022

C. Gumus, K. Ozlem, F. Khalilbayli, O. Erzurumluoglu, G. Ince, O. Atalay, A. T. Atalay: Textile-based Pressure Sensor Arrays: A Novel Scalable Manufacturing Technique, Micro and Nano Engineering, Vol 15, 100140, June 2022

C.A. Gumussoy, A. Pekpazar, M. Esengun, A.E. Bayraktaroglu, G. Ince: Usability Evaluation of TV Interfaces: Subjective Evaluation vs. Objective Evaluation, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol 38, Issue 7, March 2022

B. Bayram, G. Ince: An Incremental Class-Learning Approach with Acoustic Novelty Detection for Acoustic Event Recognition, Sensors, vol 21, Issue 19, pp.1-18, October 2021

G. Ince, R. Yorgancı, A. Ozkul, T.B. Duman, H. Kose: An Audiovisual Interface-Based Drumming System for Multi-modal Human Robot Interaction, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Vol 15, No.4, 413-428, October, 2021

M. Fasounaki, E.B. Yuce, S. Oncul, G. Ince: A Comparative Assessment of Text-independent Automatic Speaker Identification Methods using Limited Data, European Journal of Science and Technology, Issue 26, pp.217-222, July 2021

H. M. Elmoughni, A. F. Yılmaz, K. Ozlem, F. Khalilbayli, L. Cappello, A. T. Atalay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Machine-Knitted Seamless Pneumatic Actuators for Soft Robotics: Design, Fabrication and Characterization, Actuators,
Vol 10, Issue 5, pp. 1-11, April 2021

B. Bayram, T. Duman, G. Ince: Real Time Detection of Acoustic Anomalies in Industrial Processes using Sequential Autoencoders, Expert Systems, Vol 38, Issue 1, pp. 1-12, January 2021

Y. Kasimoglu, D. Tabakcilar, Z.A. Guclu, S. Yamamoto-Nemoto, E.B. Tuna, B. Ozen, T. Tuzuner, G. Ince: Nanomaterials and Nanorobotics in Dentistry: A Review, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, vol 27, No.2, 77-84, August 2020

Y. Kasimoglu, S. Kocaaydin, E. Karsli, M. Esen, I. Bektas, G. Ince, E.B. Tuna: Robotic Approach to the Reduction of Dental Anxiety in Children, Acta Odontolica Scandinavica, Vol 78, Issue 6, pp.474-480, August 2020

B. Bayram, G. Ince: Real-Time Auditory Scene Analysis using Continual Learning in Real Environments, European Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue, pp.215-226, August 2020

G. Kurt, G. Ince: ARgent: a Web-based Augmented Reality Framework for Dynamic Content Generation, European Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue, pp. 244-257, August 2020

A. Ozkul, H. Kose, R. Yorganci, G. Ince: A Drumming Based Multimodal Mobile Game Interface, Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Vol 8, Issue 1, pp. 6-10, March 2020

F. Ay, G. Ince, M. Kamasak, K. Y. Eksi: Classification of Pulsars with Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Model, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol 493, Issue 1, pp. 713-722, March 2020

T. J. Dube, G. Ince: A Novel Interface for Generating Choreography based on Augmented Reality, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol 132, pp.12-24, December 2019

J. L. Oliveira, G. Ince, K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai , Hiroshi G. Okuno, Luis Paulo Reis, and Fabien Gouyon: Beat Tracking for Interactive Dancing Robots, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp.1550023-1-24, December 2015

H. Kose, P. Uluer, N. Akalin, R. Yorganci, A. Ozkul and G. Ince: The Effect of Embodiment in Sign Language Tutoring with Assistive Humanoid Robots, International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp.537-548, August 2015

K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, F. Asano, H. Nakajima, G. Ince: Intelligent Human Tracking Based on Multimodal Integration, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp.349-358, June 2012

G. Ince: Ego Noise Estimation for Robot Audition, Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol.27, No.1, p. 92, January 2012  

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, H. Tsujino, J.  Imura: Whole Body Motion Noise Cancellation of a Robot for Improved Automatic Speech Recognition, Advanced Robotics, Vol.25, No.11, pp. 1405-1426, July 2011

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, H. Tsujino, J.  Imura: Ego Noise Cancellation of a Robot using Missing Feature Masks, Applied Intelligence, Vol.34, No.3, pp.360-371, June 2011

Book Chapters

B. Bayram, G. Ince: Advances in Robotics in the Era of Industry 4.0, Ustundag, A., Cevikcan, E.:  Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing - Industry 4.0: Managing The Digital Transformation, pp.187-200, 2018

M. Esengun, G. Ince: The Role of Augmented Reality in the Age of Industry 4.0, Ustundag, A., Cevikcan, E.:  Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing - Industry 4.0: Managing The Digital Transformation, pp.201-215, 2018

B. Bagci, M. Kamasak, G. Ince: The Effect of the Programming Interfaces of Robots in Teaching Computer Languages, Lepuschitz, W., Merdan, M., Koppensteiner, G., Balogh, R., Obdržálek, D. (Eds.): Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Vol 630 - Robotics in Education (RIE), pp.88-99, 2018

H. Kose, N. Akalin, R. Yorganci, B. S. Ertugrul, H. Kivrak, S. Kavak, A. Ozkul, C. Gurpinar, P. Uluer, G. Ince: iSign: An Architecture for Humanoid Assisted Sign Language Tutoring, S. Muhammed, J.C. Moreno, K. Kong, Y. Amirat (Eds.): Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Vol 106 - Intelligent Assistive Robots, pp.157-184, 2015

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, H. Tsujino, J. Imura: Robust Ego Noise Suppression of a Robot, Nicolas Garcia-Pedrajas, Francisco Herrera, Colin Fyfe, Jose Manuel Benitez, and Moonis Ali (Eds.): Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems, pp.62-71, 2010 [Best student paper award + best paper award in IEA-AIE 2010 by International Society of Applied Intelligence]

Peer-reviewed International Conference Papers

O.F. Erzurumluoglu, K. Ozlem, H. Tunc, C. Gumus, F. Khalilbayli, A. Buyukaslan, H. Yilmaz, A. Atalay, O. Atalay, G. Ince: Pressure Monitoring for Scoliosis Braces using Textile-based Pressure Sensor Arrays, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 239, pp.1409-1416, 2024

I. Celik, M.S. Cetin, K. Ozlem, O. Atalay, A.T. Atalay, G. Ince: Gesture Recognition on Textile-based Pressure Sensor Array, Proceedings of the International Conference in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology and Education (EEITE2024), pp.1-5, 2024

 N.Y. Kavasoglu, G. Ince: Comparative Assessment of 2D and Mixed Reality Interfaces for Improving Situational Awareness, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2024), pp.155-161, 2024

D. Kopuz, G. Ince: A Facility Management System with Complaint Processing using AR and BIM Integration, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2024), pp.182-187, 2024

M.S. Baysan, F. Kızılay, H.H. Gundogan, A.İ. Özmen, G. Ince: Automatic Target Generation for Electronic Data Interchange using Sequence-to-Sequence Models, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS 2024), pp. 158-166, 2024

C. Potur, G. Ince: An Augmented Reality Environment for Testing Cockpit Display Systems, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA2023), pp. 66-83, 2023

S. Suer, I. Koseoglu, R. Oner, G. Ince: Detection of Clips Failures in Manufacturing using Audio Signals, Proceedings of the International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA2023), pp. 1-5, 2023

G. Karadeniz, A. Ozcan, M. Bayram, G. Ince: Simulation of Counter-UAV tactics against Drone Swarms: A Serious Game Approach, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Air and Space Technologies (RAST2023), pp. 1-6, 2023

B. Bayram, G. Ince: Lifelong Learning of Acoustic Events for Robot Audition, Proceedings of the IEEE/SICE International Sypmosium on System Integration (SII), pp.1-6, 2023

 I. A. K. Ahmed, M. S. Cetin, A. F. Yilmaz, A. T. Atalay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Development of Stretchable Conductive Hybrid Yarn for Wearable Electronics Application, Proceedings of the Association of Universities for Textiles Conference (AUTEX 2022), pp.533-537, 2022

A. F. Arslan, K. Ozlem, M. S. Cetin, A. T. Atalay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Knitted Interdigital Capacitive Strain Sensor for Wearable Applications, Proceedings of the Association of Universities for Textiles Conference (AUTEX 2022), pp.511-514, 2022

M. O. Gungor, G. Ince: Automated Visual Verification of Avionics Cockpit Displays, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2022), pp.98-103, 2022

A. F. Arslan, K. Ozlem, H Elmoughni, L Cappello, A. T. Atalay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: A Textile-based, Sensorized Pneumatic Actuator for Soft-robotics Applications, Proceedings of the Association of Universities for Textiles Conference (AUTEX 2021), pp.342-343, 2021

M. Kuyucu, G. Ince: MARIoT: a Platform for Creating Customizable IoT Applications with Mobile Augmented Reality,  Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), pp.83-90, 2021

U. Ayvaz, H. Elmoughni, A. Atalay, O. Atalay, G. Ince: Real-time Human Activity Recognition using Textile-based Sensors, Proceedings of the 15th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks (BODYNETS 2020), p.168-183, 2020

H. Sevinc, U. Ayvaz, K. Ozlem, H. Elmoughni, A. Atalay, O. Atalay, G. Ince: Step Length Estimation using Sensor Fusion, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2020), p.1-4, 2020

Y. Kasimoglu, S. Kocaaydin, S. Batu, G. Ince, E.B. Tuna: The Impact of Robotic Distraction Technique in Children, Proceedings of the 15th European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Congress (EAPD 2020), p.60, 2020

M. Yasemin, M.A. Sarıkaya, G. Ince: Emotional State Estimation Using Sensor Fusion of EEG and EDA, Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC 2019), pp.5609-5612, 2019

T.B. Duman, B. Bayram, G. Ince: Acoustic Anomaly Detection Using Convolutional Autoencoders in Industrial Processes, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial And Environmental Applications, pp. 432-443, 2019

U.C. Akkaya, Ç. Demirel, R. de Lautour, G. Ince: Shaping Sounds with P300 Based Brain-Computer Music Interface, Proceedings of the Music and Sciences Symposium, pp.23-32, 2019

A. Inceoglu, G. Ince, Y. Yaslan, S. Sariel: Failure Detection using Proprioceptive, Auditory and Visual Modalities, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp. 2491-2496, 2018

K. Ozlem, O. Atalay, A. Atalay, G. Ince: Textile Based Sensing System for Lower Limb Motion Monitoring, Proceedings of International Conference on Neurorehabilitation, pp.395-398, 2018

A. Inceoglu, G. Ince, Y. Yaslan, S. Sariel: Comparative Assessment of Sensing Modalities on Manipulation Failure Detection, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference  on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Workshop on Perception, Inference and Learning for Joint Semantic, Geometric and Physical Understanging, pp. 1-6, 2018

H. Pourghaemi, T. Gholamalizadeh, A. Mhaish, G. Ince, D.J. Duff: Real-time Shape-based Sensory Substitution for Object Localization and Recognition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), pp. 45-50, 2018

E.B. Tuna-Ince, Y. Kasimoglu, M. Yasemin, E. Karsli, S. Kocaaydin, G. Ince: Management of Fear and Anxiety in Dentistry: A Robotic Approach, Proceedings of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), 2017

T.J. Dube, G. Kurt, G. Ince: A Comparative Assessment of User Interfaces for Choreography Design, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), pp. 18-24, 2017

T. Gholamalizadeh, H. Pourghaemi, A. Mhaish, G. Ince, D.J. Duff: Sonification of 3D Object Shape for Sensory Substitution: An Empirical Exploration, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), pp. 53-61, 2017 [Best paper award]

İ. Saltalı, S. Sariel, G. Ince: Scene Analysis Through Auditory Event Monitoring, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Learning and Multimodal Interaction for Designing Artificial Agents (DAA), pp. 1-6, 2016

M. Esengun, G. Ince: Comparative Assessment of Mobile Navigation Applications using 2D Maps and Augmented Reality Interfaces, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), pp. 423-428, 2016

M. Yasemin, Y. Kasimoglu, S. Kocaaydin, E. Karsli, E.B.T. Ince, G. Ince: Reduction of Dental Anxiety and Pain in Children using Robots, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), pp. 327-332, 2016 [Best paper award]

G. Ince, T.B. Duman, R. Yorganci, H. Köse: Towards a Robust Drum Stroke Recognition System for Human Robot Interaction, Proceedings of the IEEE/SICE International Sypmosium on System Integration (SII), pp. 744-749, 2015

B. Bayram, G. Ince: Audio-visual Multi-person Tracking for Active Robot Perception, Proceedings of the IEEE/SICE International Sypmosium on System Integration (SII), pp. 575-580, 2015

A. Ozkul, R. Yorganci, H. Köse, G. Ince: Robostar: An Interaction Game With Humanoid Robots for Learning Sign Language, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp.522-527, 2014

E. Dağlarlı, H. Köse, G. Ince: Computational Model of the Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture for Human Robot Interaction, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS) International Workshop on Developmental Social Robotics (DevSoR), pp.37-43, 2013

P. Uluer, N. Akalın, R. Yorgancı, H. Köse, G. Ince: A New Robotic Platform as Sign Language Tutor, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS) International Workshop on Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment, pp. 37-43, 2013

N. Akalın, P. Uluer, H. Köse, G. Ince: Humanoid Robots Communication With Participants Using Sign Language: An Interaction Based Sign Language Game, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS) International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), pp.181-186, 2013

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, K. Nakamura: Online Learning for Template-based Multi-channel Ego Noise Estimation, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp.3282-3287, 2012

J. L. Oliveira, G. Ince, K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Luis Paulo Reis, and Fabien Gouyon: Live Assessment of Beat Tracking for Robot Audition, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp. 992-997, 2012

K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, G. Ince: Real-time Super-resolution Sound Source Localization for Robots, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp. 694-699, 2012

J. L. Oliveira, G. Ince, K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai , Hiroshi G. Okuno, Luis Paulo Reis, and Fabien Gouyon: An Active Audition Framework for Auditory-driven HRI: Application to Interactive Robot Dancing, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp. 1078-1085, 2012

K. Nakadai, G. Ince, K. Nakamura, H. Nakajima: Robot Audition for Dynamic Environments, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), pp.125-130, 2012

J. L. Oliveira, G. Ince, K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai: Online Audio Beat Tracking for a Dancing Robot in the Presence of Ego-Motion Noise in a Real Environment, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 403-408, 2012

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, J.  Imura, K. Nakamura, H. Nakajima: Incremental Learning for Ego Noise Estimation of a Robot, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp. 131-136, 2011

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, J.  Imura, K. Nakamura, H. Nakajima: Assessment of Single-channel Ego Noise Estimation Methods, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp. 106-111, 2011

K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, F. Asano, G. Ince: Intelligent Sound Source Localization and Its Application to Multimodal Human Tracking, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp.143-148, 2011

K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, H. Nakajima, G. Ince: Correlation Matrix Interpolation in Sound Source Localization for a Robot, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICAASP), pp. 4324-4327, 2011

G. Ince, K. Nakamura, F. Asano, H. Nakajima, K. Nakadai: Assessment of General Applicability of Ego Noise Estimation – Application to Automatic Speech Recognition and Sound Source Localization –, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.3517-3522, 2011

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, H. Tsujino, J.  Imura: A Robust Speech Recognition System against the Ego Noise of a Robot, Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, pp.2070-2073, 2010

K. Nakadai, H. Nakajima, G. Ince, Y. Hasegawa: Sound Source Separation and Automatic Speech Recognition for Moving Sources, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp.976 - 981, 2010

H. Nakajima, G. Ince, K. Nakadai, Y. Hasegawa: An Easily-configurable Robot Audition System using Histogram-based Recursive Level Estimation, Proceedings of  the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp.958-963, 2010

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, H. Tsujino, J.  Imura: Multi-talker Speech Recognition under Ego-motion Noise using Missing Feature Theory, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp.982-987, 2010 [Second place in best student paper contest at Tokyo Institute of Technology]

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, Y. Hasegawa, H. Tsujino, J.  Imura: A Hybrid Framework for Ego Noise Cancellation of a Robot, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 3623-3628, 2010 [Student Travel Award by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society]

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, Y. Hasegawa, H. Tsujino, J.  Imura: Ego Noise Suppression of a Robot Using Template Subtraction, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp.199-204, 2009 [Student Travel Award by NSF]

T. Rodemann, G. Ince, F. Joublin, C. Goerick: Using binaural and spectral cues for azimuth and elevation localization, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), pp. 2185-2190, 2008 

National Conference Papers

M.S.Baysan, F. Kızılay, A.İ. Özmen, G. Ince: Document Classification and Key Information Extraction using Multimodal Transformers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2024), to appear 2024

Z. Söylen, F. Mammadova, M. Fasounaki, A. İ. Özmen, G. Ince: Cash Flow Forecasting based on Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2023), pp.306-311, 2023

F. Keskin, G. Ince: A Mixed Reality Interface for Tactical Data Management in Geographic Information Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2022), pp.7-12, 2022 

A. Pazar, F. Khalilbayli, K. Ozlem, A. F. Yılmaz, A. T. Atalay, O. Atalay, G. Ince: Gait Phase Recognition using Textile-based Sensor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2022), pp.338-343, 2022

M. Fasounaki, E. B. Yüce, S. Oncul, G. Ince: CNN-based Text-independent Automatic Speaker Identifivation using Short Utterances, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2021), pp.413-418, 2021

T. Keskin, G. Ince: An Ensemble Learning Approach for Energy Demand Forecasting in Microgrids using Fog Computing, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS 2021), pp.171-178, 2021

M. F. Suve, C. Gezer, G. Ince: Predictive Maintenance Framework for Production Environments using Digital Twin, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS 2021), pp.455-462, 2021

A. E. Unal, K. Ay, S. Öztürk, C. Gezer, G. Ince: An Easily Configurable Customer Loyalty Analytics Framework using Distributed Ledger Technologies, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS 2021), pp.767-774, 2021

B. Gures, G. Ince: Virtual Reality Application for Relieving the Pain of Child Dental Patients, Proceedings of the PUDCAD Universal Design Education Practice Conference (PUDCAD 2020), pp.205-216, 2021

T. Celikten, G. Ince: A Novel Approach in High School Design Education using Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the PUDCAD Universal Design Education Practice Conference (PUDCAD 2020), pp. 253-265, 2021

E. Paket, K. Ozlem, H. Elmoughni, A. Atalay, O. Atalay, G. Ince:  ECG Monitoring System Using Textile Electrodes, Proceedings of the 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2020),  pp. 1-6, 2020

K. Ozlem, S. Bahtiyar, G. Ince: Security and Privacy Issues for E-textile Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2019), pp.102-107, 2019

E. Yağ, G. Ince: Diagnophone: An Electronic Stethoscope for Respiratory Audio Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2019), pp. 161-166, 2019

F. Khalilbayli, B. Bayram, G. Ince: Unsupervised Visual Ego-motion Learning for Robots, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2019), pp. 676-681, 2019

M. K. Kuyucu, S. Bahtiyar, G. Ince: Security and Privacy in the Smart Home: A Survey of Issues and Mitigation Strategies, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2019), pp. 113-118, 2019

C. F. Kuyucu, U. Ayvaz, K. Ozlem, A. Atalay, O. Atalay, G. Ince: Comparative Assessment of Knee Motion Monitoring Technologies, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2019), pp. 155-160, 2019

F. Ay, Y. K. Ekşi., M. E. Kamaşak, G. Ince: Comparative Assessment of Pulsar Familier using GMM and DPGMM, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2019), pp. 318-323, 2019

A. İnceoğlu, G. Ince, Y. Yaslan, S. Sarıel: Robot Nesne Etkileşiminde Çok Kipli Hata Sezme, 5. Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı (TORK 2019), 2019

H. Aydan, Ç. Demirel, İ. Koçak, G. Ince:  A Multi-modal Support System for Voice Therapy, Proceedings of the 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2019), pp. 1-4, 2019

S. Cebeci, M. Özyılmaz, G. Ince: Automatic Standardization System for Free Text Addresses, Proceedings of the 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2019), pp. 1-4, 2019

N. Al-azzawi, B. Bayram, G. Ince: Audiovisual Attention for Robots from a Developmental Perspective, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2018), pp. 312-317, 2018

C. Demirel, H. C. Aydan, I Kocak, G. Ince: Automatic Posture Evaluation for Professional Voice Users, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2018), pp. 318-323, 2018

O. Cayli, G. Ince: An Application Framework for Capacity Forecast of Gym Equipment, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2018), pp. 324-329, 2018

O. Yurdakurban, I. Pamir, G. Ince: Adaptive User Interface for Mobile Devices using Activity Recognition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2018), pp. 330-335, 2018

T. Ünvermiş, G. Ince: A Mobile Framework for Monitoring Sensory Data for Improved HCI, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2018), pp.336-341, 2018

S. Bulbul, G. Ince: Blockchain-based Framework for Customer Loyalty Program, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2018), pp. 342-346, 2018

C. Demirel, U. C. Akkaya, M. Yalcin, G. Ince: Estimation of Musical Features using EEG Signals, Proceedings of the 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2018),  pp.1-4, 2018

E. S. Aslan, B. Bayram, G. Ince: Distributed Face Recognition System for Indoor Environments, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017),  pp.1-4, 2017

M. O. Güngör, Y. Güngör, G. Ince: A Secure Wireless Home Automation System, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017), pp.1-4, 2017

M. Turan, C. Demirel, G. Ince: Note Recognition-Based Mobile Application for Guitar Training, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017), pp.1-4, 2017

M. A. Sarıkaya, G. Ince: Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals through One Electrode Device, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017), pp.1-4, 2017

İ. Karakurt, M. A. Sarıkaya, G. Ince: Sleep Stage Detection using Sensor Integration, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017), pp.1-4, 2017

H. C. Aydan, M. Korkmaz, B. Çizmeci, İ. Koçak, N. Eğrican, G. Ince: Voice Cloud Platform for Medical Applications, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017), pp.1-4, 2017

F. Ay, İ. Engin, G. Ince: A Tangible User Interface for Air Drum Game, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017), pp.1-4, 2017

E. Çağlar, S. Orhan, A. Özen, G. Ince: Haptic Seat Design for Improved User Interface, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017), pp.1-4, 2017

A. Özen, U. Yazgan, S. Sarıel, G. Ince: Online Generation of Tango Choreography using Tempo Estimation, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017),
pp.1-4, 2017

S. Sarıca, G. Ince: Audio Based Commercial Monitoring in TV Broadcasts, Proceedings of the 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2017), pp.1-4, 2017

M. Esengun, G. Ince: Comparison of Mobile Navigation Applications in terms of User Experience, Proceedings of the 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2016), pp.241-244, 2016

M. Yasemin, Y. Kasımoğlu, S. Kocaaydın, E. Karslı, E. B. T. Ince, G. Ince: Management of Dental Anxiety in Children using Robots, Proceedings of the 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2016), pp. 237-240, 2016

M. Paradzik, G. Ince: Multi-agent Search Strategy based on Digital Pheromones for UAVs, Proceedings of the 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2016), pp. 233-236, 2016

A. Akçan, K. R. Özyılmaz, G. Ince: An Accelerated Stroke Algoritm for Drawing Maps, Proceedings of the 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2016), pp.229-232, 2016

E. S. Aslan, Ö. F. Özdemir, A. Hacıoğlu, G. Ince: Smart Pass Automation System, Proceedings of the 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2016), pp. 225-228, 2016

B. Sekmen, K. R. Özyılmaz, G. Ince: An Efficient Beacon Hardware for Indoor Location Services, Proceedings of the 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2016), pp. 217-220, 2016

A. Özen, S. Sarıel, G. Ince: Choreography Synthesis From Tango Dance, Proceedings of the 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2016), pp. 221-224, 2016 [Third place in Best Presentation Award]

A. Mhaish, T. Gholamalizadeh, G. Ince, D. J. Duff: Assessment of a Visual to Spatial-Audio Sensory Substitution System, Proceedings of the 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2016), pp. 245-248, 2016

M. Yasemin, H. Cabuk, G. Ince: Tempo Tabanlı Robot Dans Sistemi, 2. Türkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı (TORK 2015), 2015

G. Kurt, G. Ince: Path Planning in a 3D Environment Created Using Real World Data, Proceedings of the 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2015), pp. 299-302, 2015

H. Çabuk, G. Ince: Commercial Identification using Audio Fingerprinting, Proceedings of the 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2015), pp. 331-334, 2015

İ. İ. Saltalı, G. Ince, S. Sarıel: Sound Source Identification for Scene Analysis, Proceedings of the 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2015), pp. 637-640, 2015

Y. E. Çalışkan, G. Ince: Emotion Recognition using Auditory Cues, Proceedings of the 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2015), pp. 1939-1942, 2015

F. Ay, G. Ince: Application of Pesticide Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Proceedings of the 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2015), pp. 1170-1173, 2015

B. Bayram, G. Ince: Audio-visual Human Tracking for Active Robot Perception, Proceedings of the 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2015), pp. 1166-1169, 2015

İ. İ. Saltali, G. Ince, S. Sariel: İşitsel Olay İzleme ile Sahne Analizi, 1. Türkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı (TORK 2014), 2014

T. B. Duman, F. Ay, G. Ince, R. Yorganci, H. Köse: İnsansı Robotla Etkileşimli Davul Oyunu, 1. Türkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı (TORK 2014), 2014

E. Çalıkuş, H. Köse, G. Ince: Kinect Interacted Drum Game for Disabled Children , Proceedings of the 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2014), pp.734-737, 2014

M. Yücel, U. Ertugrul, E. B. Parlak, H. Köse, G. Ince: Human Robot Interaction in a Drum Playing Game, Proceedings of the 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2014), pp.919-922, 2014

M. Kapotoglu, C. Koc, S. Sariel-Talay, G. Ince: Action Monitoring in Cognitive Robots, Proceedings of the 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2014), pp.2154-2157, 2014

K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, G. Ince: Intelligent Human Tracking based on Information Integration, Proceedings of the 1st Cloud Network Robotics Conference, pp.35-40, 2011

K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, G. Ince: ボットを対象にした複数同時発話にロバストな音源定位の検討, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Convention of RSJ, 2011 [RSJ Research Promotion Award]

K. Nakadai, H. G. Okuno, T. Takahashi, K. Nakamura, T. Yoshida, T. Mizumoto, T. Otsuka, G. Ince: Introduction to Open Source Robot Audition Software HARK, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Convention of RSJ, 2011 [Link to the recording of the presentation. By clicking “Show more” you can have access to the paper as well as the slides.]

K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, G. Ince, H. Nakajima: Selective Human Tracking System Based on Auditory and Visually Integrated Awareness, Proceedings of the 11th SICE Annual Conference on Control Systems, pp.1185-1188, 2010

K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, H. Nakajima, G. Ince: Head Motion Detection System by Integrating Infrared Thermal Sensor and Distance Camera and its Evaluation, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Convention of RSJ, 2010

G. Ince, K. Nakadai, T. Rodemann, Y. Hasegawa, H. Tsujino, J.  Imura: Automatic Speech Recognition under Ego-motion Noise of a Robot, Proceedings of the Meeting of Special Interest Group on AI Challenges, Japanese Society of AI (JSAI), 2009 


G. Ince, M.S. Cetin, K. Ozlem, I.A.K Ahmed, A.F Aslan, O. Atalay, A.T. Atalay: Textile based Stretchable Interdigital Sensor and Production Method, Publication number: WO2023/177380, Publication type: Pending/Applied, Filing date: Mar 16, 2023, Pub date: NA

C. Gumus, K. Ozlem, F. Khalilbayli, O.F. Erzurumluoglu, E. Onal, G. Ince, O. Atalay, A.T. Atalay: Textile based Large Area Pressure Sensing Arrays, Publication number: NA, Publication type: Grant, Filing date: Mar 16, 2023, Pub date: Sep 21, 2023

A. F. Yılmaz, K. Ozlem, F. Khalilbayli, H. Elmoughni, A. A. Tuncay, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Actuators for Soft Robotic Applications, Publication number: WO2022/231556, Publication type: Pending/Applied, Filing date: Apr 27, 2022, Pub date: Nov 03, 2022

A. F. Yılmaz, K. Ozlem, F. Khalilbayli, H. Elmoughni, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Textile based Large Area Pressure Sensing Arrays, Publication number: TR2022/004079, Publication type: Grant, Filing date: Mar 17, 2022, Pub date: Oct 23, 2023

A. F. Yılmaz, K. Ozlem, F. Khalilbayli, H. Elmoughni, G. Ince, O. Atalay: Actuators for Soft Robotic Applications, Publication number: TR2021/007340, Publication type: Grant, Filing date: Apr 29, 2021, Pub date: Nov 21, 2022

G. Ince, K. Ay, S. Öztürk, C. Gezer: A Distributed Registry Design and Installation System, Publication number: TR2020/17291, Publication type: Pending/Applied, Filing date: Oct 30, 2020, Pub date: Jul 26, 2021

J.L. Oliveira, G. Ince, K. Nakamura, K. Nakadai, H. Okuno, L.P. Reis, F. Gouyon: Sound Processing Device, Sound Processing Method, and Sound Processing Program, Publication number: US20140067385 A1, Publication type: Application, Filing date: Sep 3, 2013, Pub date: Jun 28, 2016

K. Nakadai, G. Ince: Sound Processing Device, Sound Processing Method, and Sound Processing Program, Publication number: US8995671 B2, Publication type: Grant, Filing date: Jul 6, 2012, Pub date: Mar 31, 2015

K. Nakadai, G. Ince: Speech Recognition System and Speech Recognizing Method, Publication number: US8538751 B2, Publication type: Grant, Filing date: Jun 10, 2011, Pub date: Sep 17, 2013

K. Nakadai, G. Ince: Voice Recognition Device and Voice Recognition Method, JP Publication No: 2012-88390, Date of filing: 15.10.2010, Date of pub of app: 10.05.2012

K. Nakadai, G. Ince, H. Tsujino, T. Rodemann: Acoustic Data Processor and Acoustic Data Processing Method for Reduction of Noise Based on Motion Status, Publication number: US8548802 B2, Publication type: Grant, Filing date: May 20, 2010, Pub date: Oct 1, 2013

K. Nakadai, G. Ince, H. Tsujino, T. Rodemann: Sound Data Processing Device and Sound Data Processing Method, JP Publication No: 2010-271712, Date of filing: 26.04.2010, Date of pub of app: 02.12.2010

K. Nakadai, G. Ince, H. Tsujino, T. Rodemann: Acoustic Data Processor and Acoustic Data Processing Method, Publication number: US20100299145 A1, Publication type: Application, Filing date: May 20, 2010, Pub date: Nov 25, 2010

Invited Speaker

G. Ince: Virtual and Augmented Reality, Industry 4.0: Future Vision in the Wood Industry, Oct.16, 2017

G. Ince: The Future of Wearable Computers, Workshop for Wearable Computers, Migros, 2015

G. Ince: Human Robot Interaction, RobotikFest, Apr.19, 2014

G. Ince: Ego Noise Cancellation for Robot Audition, 2. BINAAHR Symposium, Oct.11, 2012


BIL 103E-Introduction to Information Systems

BLG 212E-Microprocessor Systems

BLG 222E-Computer Organization

BLG 351E-Microcomputer Laboratory

BLG 442E-Innovation and Technology Management in Information Technologies

BLG 456E-Robotics

BLG 609E-Human Computer Interacfaces

MTH 111E-Linear Algebra


Academic Advisor, "Multilingual Marketplace Platform", funded by Hepsiburada, 06/2024-02/2025

Researcher, "Design for the Climate: Learning and Retention in Design-based Learning", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Scientific and Technological Research Projects (1001), 08/2024-08/2027

Academic Advisor, "Development of Optical Character Recognition and Natural Language Recognition based Personnel Expense Management System", funded by MDP, 03/2024-03/2025

Academic Advisor, "Artificial Intelligence-based Recommendation System for Electronic Data Exchange Integration", funded by MDP, 03/2024-10/2024

Researcher, "Effects of Augmented Reality Use on Dental Anxiety and Pain Perception in Children", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Scientific and Technological Research Projects (1001), 11/2023-05/2025

Academic Advisor, "Blockchain Based Balancing and Settlement Infrastructure for Positive Energy Regions", funded by T.C. Energy Market Regulatory Authority, 10/2022-10/2024

Academic Advisor, "Development of Artificial Intelligence based Supplier Portal Specialized for E-commerce", funded by MDP, 01/2023-01/2024

Researcher, "Development of Augmented Reality-based Modeling (ARMO) Application and Training Module to Support Secondary School Students' Conceptual Understanding Levels, Spatial Thinking and Modeling Skills", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Career Development Program Research Projects (3501), 12/2022-12/2025

Academic Advisor, "Development of a Smart Glove System Recognizing Clip Sounds in Automotive Production Processes", funded by Thread in Motion, 11/2022-07/2023

Researcher, "Evaluating Spatial Properties that Affect Feeling Safe in Streets based on the Methods of Neuroscience and Machine Learning through Virtual Spaces", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Scientific and Technological Research Projects (1001), 11/2022-11/2024

Principle Investigator, "STEWART-Sports acTivitiEs With weARable Technology" funded by TUBITAK-IraSME (International research activities by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), 09/2022-09/2024

Academic Advisor, "Integrated Order Management and Service Tracking Platform", funded by Hepsiburada, 04/2022-03/2023

Academic Advisor, "Development of Decentralized Finance Application Infrastructure on Blockchain Wallets", funded by XYZ, 02/2022-01/2023

Principle Investigator, "Fog Computing Architecture for E-textiles Applications" funded by the Scientific Research Project Unit of Istanbul Technical University, 07/2021-07/2023

Academic Advisor, "K1+D Demand Forecast for Electricity Retail Companies", funded by Aigoritma, 8/2021-2/2022

Academic Advisor, "Solution Center and Smart Communication Platform", funded by Hepsiburada, 3/2021-3/2022

Academic Advisor, "Blockchain-based Security Platform for Detecting and Preventing Money Laundering in Crypto Money Markets", funded by XYZ, 10/2020-10/2021

Researcher, "Effect of Virtual Reality on Dental Anxiety in Children", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Scientific and Technological Research Projects (1001), 02/2020-05/2022

Academic Advisor, "Retail Sale Platform", funded by Hepsiburada, 01/2020-12/2020

Academic Advisor, "Carrier Behavior Analysis", funded by Hepsiexpress, 12/2019-12/2020

Academic Advisor, "Multi-marketplace Management Platform using Adaptive Inventory Management", funded by Arvato AŞ, 11/2019-11/2020

Principle Investigator, "Break Maneouvers for Busbar System", funded by Entek, 11/2019-01/2020

Researcher, "Initiating Preliminary Scientific Works and Setting Up an Infrastructure to Develop Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Priority Areas of Turkey" funded by the Scientific Research Project Unit of Istanbul Technical University, 11/2019-11/2021

Principle Investigator, "Speaker Identification using Voice Biometrics", funded by Arçelik, 12/2019-12/2020

Academic Advisor, "Development of Augmented Reality Application for Improving Processes of Assembly, Disassambly and Spare Parts in Concrete Plants", funded by Elkon AŞ, 11/2019-05/2020

Researcher, "Fabric based Soft Actuators for Wearable Applications", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), 10/2019-10/2021

Academic Advisor, "Shipment Management System", funded by Hepsiexpress, 05/2019-11/2019

Coordinator, "Textile based Soft Sensing Actuators for Soft Robotic Applications (TexRobots)", funded by H2020-MSCA-IF-2018, 05/2019-04/2021

Academic Advisor, "Design of a Customer Loyalty Management System using Visual Programming Interface and Distributed Ledger Technology", funded by Adesso Turkey Bilgi Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti., 02/2019-09/2020

Academic Advisor, "Location Identification using Full Address" funded by Hepsiexpress, 12/2018-07/2019

Academic Advisor, "Development of a Singular Catalogue using Artificial Intelligence" funded by Hepsiburada, 11/2018-11/2019

Researcher, "Content Development for ITU Development Foundation Schools (GVO) STEAM-Maker Specialist Leadership Program", funded by ITUNOVA AS, 11/2018-01/2019

Academic Advisor, "Immersive Business and Engineering English in Virtual Reality: A Tool for the Sustainable Mobility of the Skilled Workforce in the EU"  funded by the Erasmus+ within the KA2 Programme, 10/2018-10/2021

Researcher, "Management System based on Augmented Reality for Smart Business Processes in Production"  funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the SME RDI Grant Programme (1507), Navimod Ltd. Şti., 11/2018-05/2020

Principle Investigator, "Effects of Interaction Methods based on Augmented Reality on Manufacturing Processes" funded by the Scientific Research Project Unit of Istanbul Technical University, 06/2018-12/2019

Researcher, "Development of a Motion Capture System based on Textile" funded by the Scientific Research Project Unit of Istanbul Technical University, 05/2018-08/2019

Principle Investigator, "Joint Database Generation for Turkish Musical Works", funded by MESAM-MSG, 05/2018-01/2019

Researcher, "Content Development for ITU Aziz Sancar Science and Art Center", funded by ITUNOVA AS, 04/2018-05/2018

Principle Investigator, "Development of a Software Platform for Creating Augmented Reality Applications", funded by Unilever Türkiye AŞ., 04/2018-08/2018

Academic Advisor, "Mobile Device and Beacon based Exercise Tracking System and Management", funded by Adesso Turkey Bilgi Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti., 02/2018-02/2019

Academic Advisor, "Visualization of Annealing Furnaces using Augmented Reality", funded by Borusan Teknoloji Geliştirme ve ARGE AŞ., 01/2018-06/2018

Academic Advisor, "A Software System for Insurance based on Driver Performance", funded by Arti Teknoloji Kollektif Şti, 01/2018-10/2018

Principle Investigator, "An Approach for an Objective Performance Evaluation for Professional Voice Users", funded by the Scientific Research Project Unit of Istanbul Technical University, 10/2017-08/2019

Academic Advisor, "Interface Recommendation System Based on Human Acitvity Detection", funded by Yapi Kredi Teknoloji AŞ., 09/2017-06/2018

Academic Advisor, "Acoustic Body: Software and System for the Education of Voice Focusing and Placement for Professional Voice Users", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the SME RDI Grant Programme (1507), Dr. Voice Ltd. Şti., 04/2017-06/2019

Principle Investigator, "Application of Augmented Reality for Quality Control in Production Processes", funded by Unilever Türkiye AŞ., 05/2017-07/2017

Academic Advisor, "Audio-based Automatic Media Monitoring Tool", funded by Arti Teknoloji Kollektif Şti, 07/2016-01/2018

Academic Advisor, "Adaptive Hybrid Traffic Manager for Service Oriented Architecture", funded by Arti Teknoloji Kollektif Şti, 01/2016-07/2017

Academic Advisor, "Development of a Software Platform for Strategic Planning and Monitoring using Implementation of Decision Tree Approach, Data Analysis and Smart Decision Support Algorithms", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the SME RDI Grant Programme (1507), Albert Solino Ltd. Şti., 10/2015-12/2016

Researcher, "Safe Task Execution by Autonomous Humanoid Robots", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Scientific and Technological Research Projects (1001), 10/2015-10/2018

Academic Advisor, "Smart Entrance System", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Entrepreneurship Programme (1512), Aslansis Ltd. Şti., 01/2015-01/2016

Principal Investigator, "Prominent Word Detection using Prosody", funded by Honda Research Institute Japan, Co., Ltd. (HRI-JP), 04/2015-04/2016

Researcher, "Reduction of Dental Anxiety and Pain in Children using Computer Technologies", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Scientific and Technological Research Projects (1001), 04/2015-01/2018

Researcher, "Spatial Auditory-Vision Sensory Substitution Using Range Cameras", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Scientific and Technological Research Projects (3001), 12/2014-11/2017

Principal Investigator, "Low Energy Radio Frequency Based Indoors Localization System", funded by the Industrial Thesis Support Program (SANTEZ) of the Ministery of Science, Industry and Technology, 10/2014-10/2015

Academic Advisor, "Design of an Augmented Reality Glass", funded by Techno-Initiative Capital Support Program of the Ministery of Science, Industry and Technology, and Hangaarlab Ltd. Şti., 05/2014-03/2015

Academic Advisor, "Watch and Win", funded by Arti Teknoloji Kollektif Şti, 01/2014-07/2015

Principal Investigator, "Sound Source Identification for Fault Detection", funded by the Scientific Research Project Unit of Istanbul Technical University, 07/2014-07/2015

Researcher, "Sparsity-based Formulations for Microphone Arrays", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Support Program for the Scientific and Technological Research Projects (1001), 04/2014-04/2016

Principal Investigator, "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Agriculture", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the Entrepreneurship Programme (1512), 01/2014-01/2015

Principal Investigator, "Active Robot Audition", funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the International Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Programme (2219), 06/2014-09/2014, funding granted, cancelled by the recipient side

Principal Investigator, "Active Robot Audition", funded by the Scientific Research Project Unit of Istanbul Technical University, 08/2013-08/2015

Principal Investigator, "Robust Robot Audition", funded by Honda Research Institute Japan, Co., Ltd. (HRI-JP), 12/2012-03/2013


G. Ince: Ego Noise Estimation for Robot Audition, PhD Thesis, Tokyo Institute of Technology, September, 2011

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